The role of translation institutes and departments in the prosperous Arab eras and the need to establish them in the language departments of Pakistani universities

دور المعاهد والأقسام للترجمة في العصور العربية الزاهرة وحاجة انشائھا في أقسام اللغات بالجامعات الباكستانية


  • Dr. Raheela Khaild Qureshi Chairperson, Department of Arabic, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.


Translation, Science, Intellectual activity, Institutes, Systematic study


Translations have a prominent role in the advancement of science and literature for any people. By which sciences and arts move from the literature of one nation to the literature of another nation, in which sciences and arts flourish, and a nation becomes acquainted with the literature of another nations. Translation is an independent art, as it depends on creativity, linguistic sense and the ability to bring cultures closer, and it enables all mankind to communicate and benefit from each other's experiences. It is an art as old as written literature. Translation is a cultural necessity and an intellectual activity, and it extends bridges of communication between civilizations that converge and diverge among themselves, and their languages are similar and differ in ways of expression and methods of statement and expression of ideas, feelings and attitudes, and in the worldview and understanding of its concepts. There is no doubt that translation it is a complex linguistic process that requires lengthy anchors, as the queen of the two tongues is acquired only by a lot of practice, in addition to the systematic study of the mechanisms of transmission from one tongue to another. We also see in the modern era that the Arab Scientific Academy in Damascus, the Arabic Language Academy in Cairo and the Iraqi Scientific Academy have a clear and prominent role in the advancement of Arabic sciences and literature. The Scientific Academy in Damascus has established the Arabic language and its terminology, and the language of bureaucracies, in particular, with the help of authors and translators in particular, and the Academy of the Arabic Language in Cairo, which has made efforts in developing the great linguistic lexicon and terminology of modern sciences.




How to Cite

Dr. Raheela Khaild Qureshi. (2022). The role of translation institutes and departments in the prosperous Arab eras and the need to establish them in the language departments of Pakistani universities: دور المعاهد والأقسام للترجمة في العصور العربية الزاهرة وحاجة انشائھا في أقسام اللغات بالجامعات الباكستانية. Al-Mithaq ( Research Journal of Islamic Theology), 1(02), 38–44. Retrieved from