Article Processing Charges (APC)

Manuscript Submission Process
Submit soft copy of the manuscript via Open Journal System (OJS). Manuscripts should not be submitted through Fax or email. To facilitate academic review and production, authors must provide their complete name, address, phone number(s), current position/title, and name(s) of Institute on the title page. Manuscripts will be considered for publication only if they have not been published earlier and are not under consideration for publication somewhere else.
The review procedure manuscripts that are submitted to Al-Mīthāq are subject to evaluation by at least two independent referees who are expert in the relevant field. The decision to accept or reject a manuscript rests solely with Al-Mīthāq’s Editorial Team. This decision will be final. The Editorial Team will, however, base its decision primarily upon the recommendations of the referees who have evaluated the paper.
Publication fee
Al-Mīthāq (Research Journal of Islamic Theology) operates without any external funding. Therefore, we implement an article processing fee to sustain essential operations such as publishing research articles, maintaining website, ensuring long-term archiving, conducting peer review and facilitating copyediting. This fee structure allows us to maintain the quality and integrity of publication process. So, the management decided to charge PKR 10,000/- as APC since January, 2024.

However, foreign authors working in any foreign universities are exempted of said charges.

All kind of payments must be deposited in the official bank account. Details are given below:

Account Title:      AL MITHAQ

Account No:         3707301000002381

IBAN:                      PK32FAYS3707301000002381

Bank:                      Faysal Bank Limited
                                 Rehman Society Branch (3707), Bahawalpur.

Important Note:

Al-Mīthāq will not be liable for any transaction through any person or method other then said account. Don’t forget to share e-receipt of transaction at Al-Mīthāq’s official email or Whatsapp.