Aims & Scope

Al-Mīthāq (المیثاق) aims to explore and bring forth innovative research-based concepts and practices in its discipline. Its main aim is to provide a platform to raise awareness of new trends in education among the younger generation and also provides a platform for researchers and academic professionals to share their novel theoretical and practical research initiatives with others in the form of good quality research papers from all over the world. Al-Mīthāq focuses the literary research and modern trends of criticism in the discipline of Islamic Studies, Arabic Linguistics & Literature and Social Sciences. Al-Mīthāq is committed to publish the wide range of new topics of research on single important criterion that is literary and critical excellence. It is also committed to step forward with great zeal and zest to maintain standards of quality and integrity.

Al-Mīthāq (المیثاق) considers all manuscripts and review articles related to Islamic Studies & Arabic Linguistics & Literature and Social Sciences that seek to publish arbitrated articles dealing with various aspects of life. It covers various branches of knowledge such as Qurān and its Sciences, Ḥadīth and its Sciences, Principles of Jurisprudence, Comparative Religions, Theology, Mysticism, Philosophy, History, Culture and Civilization, Law, Politics, Economics, Anthropology, Education, Human rights, contemporary issues in Islamic perspective as well as Arabic Language and Literature and Social Sciences.
So, we welcome and provide a platform to post graduate students, scholars, faculty members to publish their valuable research on current issues. International perspective is also reflected by the Journal’s trilingual approach as it welcomes research papers in Urdu, Arabic and English.

Al-Mīthāq (المیثاق) aims to explore, promote quality research and bring forth innovative research-based concepts and practices in the discipline of Islamic Studies & Arabic Linguistics & Literature and Social Sciences. The major features are unpublished research works, manuscripts and artifacts as well as the modern critical thoughts and ideas, issues, Islamic perspective as well as Arabic Language and Literature and Social Sciences.

The objective of Al-Mīthāq (المیثاق) is standardization of quality research articles and making them available to researchers worldwide.  The journal facilitates publication of the researchers and scholars in universities of Pakistan and abroad, their research projects under the defined procedures and guidelines. The journal publishes research articles as well as review articles.
Academia & Intelligentsia of the universities & other spheres are always invited & welcome to contribute their unique research findings & writings.
Al-Mīthāq (المیثاق) strictly follows the rules and regulations set by HEC for research journals.