Teaching of Arabic as Language An Analytical and Critical Study of Religious Institute in INDO-PAK Subcontinent

عربی زبان کی تعلیم و تدریس برصغیر پاک وہند میں دینی مدارس کا تحلیلی و تنقيدی جائزہ


  • Dr Muhammdad Faisal Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic University of Haripur
  • Naeema Ali Lecturer, University of Mirpur Azad Kashmir


Itroduction to religious institutes, curriculum of Dars-e-Nizaami, Wifaqaat approved by HEC, traditional and modern methods


The Arabic language is being taught in Islamic educational institutes of the sub-continent for many decades. Their prime teaching style, with their significant, vital role in teaching Arabic to none native speakers could not be neglected. This article is a short description of madaris's role, in Arabic teaching, especially in the Endo Pak subcontinent. It is a deep analysis of Madaras discourse in Arabic language teaching with a critical study of its curriculum's beneficial aspects.

The article gives a valuable comparison between traditional and none traditional education methods in the regular system of Madaris as well as a valuable discussion of the wifaq( approved by HEC) Curriculum with its feature values and plans, which have been adopted with time. Moreover, it suggests some innovative modern means and applications to up-to-date many of the additional resources




How to Cite

Dr Muhammdad Faisal, & Naeema Ali. (2024). Teaching of Arabic as Language An Analytical and Critical Study of Religious Institute in INDO-PAK Subcontinent: عربی زبان کی تعلیم و تدریس برصغیر پاک وہند میں دینی مدارس کا تحلیلی و تنقيدی جائزہ. Al-Mithaq ( Research Journal of Islamic Theology), 1(02), 14–27. Retrieved from https://almithaqjournal.org/index.php/home/article/view/7