Irhāṣāt and Miracles of Holy Prophet ﷺ: Imām Ibn-e-Kathīr’s Thoughts Related to Inference by Biographical Narrations

ارہاصات ومعجزات ِرسولﷺ: روایات ِسیرت سےاستدلال میں امام ابن ِکثیر کامنہج


  • Dr Aisha Zulfiqar Assistant Professor (Visiting), Department of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore.


Miracle, Irhāṣ, Tradition, Biography, Supernatural


The word "miracle" means to humble. The capacity of performing unusual tasks, conferred upon any prophet as a proof of his claim of prophet hood, is called “miracle”. Allāh supports the Prophets with these evidence and corroboration. Miracles are specific only to the Prophets. The appearance of a miracle is due to the expediency and will of Allāh Ta'ālā because He is the All Mighty, All-Knowing and All-Wise. Beside miracles certain unusual tasks which are called “Irhāṣ” (pre-prophet hood miracles) appear before the prophet hood is bestowed, which refers to the happening of supernatural events to be the premonition of prophet hood. The miracles of the Prophet ﷺ are more than all the prophets. The extraordinary events that appeared at the time of Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ birth, during his journey to Syria, abundance of sustenance in the house of Ḥalīma Sādia, and the incident of Shaq-e-Ṣadr in his childhood are defined as Irhāṣāt of the Prophet ﷺ. The occurrence and existence of these miracles and Irhāṣāt of the Prophet  ﷺare proven by Aḥādīth and frequent traditions, that these pre-prophet hood and post prophet hood acts and events actually happen and took place. Along with the practical miracles, Almighty Allāh gave to the Prophet, a scholarly, all pervasive and a permanent miracle is the Holy Qur’ān. Rather, this is the greatest miracle of the Prophet (ﷺ) which will survive until the Day of Judgment. By explaining the meanings, demands and mysteries of this great miracle, that is the Qur’ān, various scholars have contributed to its interpretation. In this article, the issues brought up under the traditions of life of Holy Prophet (ﷺ) mentioned in the context of verses of miracles in Imām Ibn-e-Kathīr's commentary “Tafsīr Al Qur’ān Al ‘Aẓīm” will be highlighted.




How to Cite

Dr Aisha Zulfiqar. (2023). Irhāṣāt and Miracles of Holy Prophet ﷺ: Imām Ibn-e-Kathīr’s Thoughts Related to Inference by Biographical Narrations: ارہاصات ومعجزات ِرسولﷺ: روایات ِسیرت سےاستدلال میں امام ابن ِکثیر کامنہج. Al-Mithaq ( Research Journal of Islamic Theology), 2(02), 172–183. Retrieved from