The Wisdom of Equating Spouses with Clothing in the Light of Moulānā Ashraf ‘Alī Thānvī’s Views and Reasons

مولانااشرف علی تھانوی کی آراء کی روشنی میں ازواج کو لباس سے تشبیہ دینے کی حکمتیں اور وجوہات


  • Hafiz Abdul Wahab Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
  • Dr Abdul Ghaffar Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.


Attire, Human, Clothing, Marriage, Spouse


Costume is the basic essential for every human. Man gets adornment from clothe.  Good attire is which suits for the body. Clothing always fetches decent to the human being. There are different strategies for matching the clothes, i.e. Humans get the veil from the cloth and he protect himself from the heat, the cold and the seasonal changings. A person's disgrace and modesty is protected by dressings. In the same way, spouses also fulfil each other's requirements just as the clothes are meeting these requirements. Through this analogy, it is necessary for the marriage of the human, regardless of the age, the purpose of the marriage is mentioned in this verse. The intricacies and ups and downs of the relationship are described by taking advantage of the comparison of the relationship between husband and wife to a human attire. By taking advantage of this analogy, this guidance has been given on how to maintain mutual relationships. Similarly, the need for divorce, dislocation (Khul‘a), widows and polygamy has also been proved by the same word "clothes''. With each example, the solution to the ancient and modern problems of the couple has been presented by drawing the analogy of clothes. In this article, the Qur‘ānic Āyah, in which the spouse is called covering to each other, is presented and the arguments of Moulānā Ashraf ‘Alī Thānvī in this regard have been specifically discussed.




How to Cite

Hafiz Abdul Wahab, & Dr Abdul Ghaffar. (2023). The Wisdom of Equating Spouses with Clothing in the Light of Moulānā Ashraf ‘Alī Thānvī’s Views and Reasons: مولانااشرف علی تھانوی کی آراء کی روشنی میں ازواج کو لباس سے تشبیہ دینے کی حکمتیں اور وجوہات. Al-Mithaq ( Research Journal of Islamic Theology), 2(02), 94–104. Retrieved from