Ibn-e-Ḥibbān’s Approach in Reporting Ḥadīth of Narrators Who had Memory Lapses (Ikhtilāṭ) in his Book al-Ṣaḥīḥ The case of Saʿīd bin Abī ʾIyās Abū Masʿūd al-Jarīrī sl-Baṣrī as an example

منھج الإمام ابن حبان البستي في إخراج المختلطين ومروياتھم في صحيحه (دراسة استقرائية نقدية) سعيد بن أبي إياس أبو مسعود الجريري البصري نموذجا


  • Misbahuddin Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Hadith and Its Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad
  • Dr Abdul Samad Shaikh Assistant Professor / Head, Department of Hadith and Its Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad


Ḥadīth, Narrators, Memory Lapse, Ṣaḥīḥ-ibn-e-Ḥibbān


This research is based on the study of narrations of authentic narrators who suffered from memory lapses in book Ṣaḥīḥ-ibn-e-Ḥibbān. This study is important because it is essential to know the impact of memory lapse on the narrations of authentic narrators, who are deemed trustworthy and reliable. The scope of this research excludes those whose memory lapse was insignificant, like those who had the memory lapse immediately before death, those who had a few narrations after lapsing, and those who had minor lapsing that did not affect their narrations. In this study the definition of memory lapsing, its subsequent and ensuing issues are discussed. Next, those who were conclusively proved to have suffered from memory lapse in Ṣaḥīḥ-ibn-e-Ḥibbān are investigated and tracked down. In so doing, the scientific method of Ḥadīth narrators is followed in explaining the approach of Ibn-e-Ḥibbān. This research concentrates on narrators being declared as scrambled in Ḥadīth narration (Mukhtaliṭīn) in the book of Ṣaḥīḥ-ibn-e-Ḥibbān. The researcher will study the narrators whose narrations are declared as scrambled in formal or later stage of their life.  The researcher will examine the compatibility of their narrations with other reliable narrations. The unique aspect of this study is to identify narrators who involved in the act of incorporation in Ṣaḥīḥ-ibn-e-Ḥibbān and more subsequently to assess the criteria of Ibn-e-Ḥibbān's in description of their narrations. The researcher has used inductive and analytical approach in this study, then, followed that with an example of the narrations of Sa‘eed bin Abī ᾽Iyās Abū Mas‘ūd Al-Jarīrī Al-Baṣrī in Ṣaḥīḥ-ibn-e-Ḥibbān and his method of publishing them, then, concluded the research with useful results and recommendations.




How to Cite

Misbahuddin, & Dr Abdul Samad Shaikh. (2023). Ibn-e-Ḥibbān’s Approach in Reporting Ḥadīth of Narrators Who had Memory Lapses (Ikhtilāṭ) in his Book al-Ṣaḥīḥ The case of Saʿīd bin Abī ʾIyās Abū Masʿūd al-Jarīrī sl-Baṣrī as an example: منھج الإمام ابن حبان البستي في إخراج المختلطين ومروياتھم في صحيحه (دراسة استقرائية نقدية) سعيد بن أبي إياس أبو مسعود الجريري البصري نموذجا. Al-Mithaq ( Research Journal of Islamic Theology), 2(02), 43–55. Retrieved from https://almithaqjournal.org/index.php/home/article/view/30