Islamic System of Government and Economy: A Research Review of Sharīʻah Texts and Iqbāl's Thought

اسلامی نظامِ حکومت و معیشت : نصوصِ شریعہ اورفکر ِاقبال کا تحقیقی جائزہ


  • Muhammad Tahir Akbar Ph. D Scholar, Department of Qur’ānic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.


Democracy, Governance, Justice, Welfare, Riyasat e Madina


In today's world, there are different types of governments, with Welfare-Oriented Democracy being the most popular. Additionally, there are several countries that call themselves "Islamic republics." However, in practice, there is no truly Islamic system of government. This research article aims to explore what the system of an Islamic welfare state should look like in the present era and to what extent democracy and basic human rights can be incorporated into it. From this perspective, the system of government in the State of Medina during the era of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ) and the period of the Khilāfat-e-Rāshidah has been examined. The research also investigates the human rights granted in the Qur’ān and Sunnah. In the State of Medina, the fundamental rights of citizens were guaranteed regardless of religion or race. Furthermore, the study highlights the concept of ijtihād as a mechanism for adapting Islamic principles to changing circumstances. It also delves into the thoughts of Iqbāl, who opposed Western-style democracy and advocated for spiritual (Islamic) democracy. In this context, he invited scholars to engage in ijtihād at the beginning of the twentieth century. A deeper examination of Iqbāl's ideas reveals that the accusation of him being a communist or Marxist is entirely unfounded. Rather, he was a strong proponent of the Islamic economic system, which is not merely a philosophy but a comprehensive framework for economics.




How to Cite

Muhammad Tahir Akbar. (2024). Islamic System of Government and Economy: A Research Review of Sharīʻah Texts and Iqbāl’s Thought: اسلامی نظامِ حکومت و معیشت : نصوصِ شریعہ اورفکر ِاقبال کا تحقیقی جائزہ. Al-Mithaq ( Research Journal of Islamic Theology), 3(03), 216–237. Retrieved from