Economic and Political Aspects of Equity: A Study in the Context of Qur’ān and Sunnah

قرآن و سنت کے تناظر میں نظریہ مساوات کے معاشی و سیاسی پہلو


  • Dr. Abdul Ghaffar Lecturer, Department of Fiqh and Shariah, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
  • Dr. Amin Ullah Qazi Assistant Professor/HOD, Department Islamic Studies, Government Graduate College Layyah.


Prosperity, Education, Economy, Political System, Customs and Traditions, Islam


For the stability of any state, it is essential for its economy to be strong. A strong economy and the abundance of wealth not only reflect the military, educational, and social prosperity of the state's citizens but also generally guarantee good governance. Moreover, at the international level, such a state is counted among the strong nations and economically weaker nations and states tend to adopt the culture, civilization, philosophy, and ideologies of these stronger nations. A prime example of this today is the Muslim world, which adopts the philosophies, ideologies, and social systems of the West solely due to its economic strength.The rulers of any poor nation, from which they borrow for educational systems, military needs,and personal necessities, unconsciously or consciously accept the ideologies and social systems of those lending nations and attempt to impose their customs and traditions on their own country.The economic system introduced by Islam, which was later implemented across three continents and surpassed other economic systems in superiority, owed its prominence to the unique characteristics of this system that other economic systems lacked. For example, all humans were declared equal in economic rights, and individuals were commanded to lead their economic lives with their family members based on the principles of equality, where everyone shares a common table. Profit and loss were to be equally shared, ensuring no one would depend on others. Wealth was to remain in circulation, and hoarding was prohibited. Through infāq fī sabīl Allāh (spending in the way of Allah), every individual was obligated to share their wealth with others. Islam’s political system is characterized by consultation and democracy. Any knowledgeable, pious, intelligent, mature, Muslim, and visionary person could be appointed as a ruler, who would then be considered a servant of the people. This kind of political system brings blessings, ensuring the state's strength both nationally and internationally and fostering the revival of Islam.




How to Cite

Dr. Abdul Ghaffar, & Dr. Amin Ullah Qazi. (2024). Economic and Political Aspects of Equity: A Study in the Context of Qur’ān and Sunnah: قرآن و سنت کے تناظر میں نظریہ مساوات کے معاشی و سیاسی پہلو. Al-Mithaq ( Research Journal of Islamic Theology), 3(03), 155–173. Retrieved from