Blasphemy and Islam: A Historical and Critical Analysis of Muslims Belief and Attitudes
اسلام اور توہینِ مذہب : اہلِ اسلام کے نظریات اور رویوں کا تاریخی و تنقیدی تجزیہ
Blasphemy, Islam, Muslims Behaivor, Beliefs, Attitudes, ReligionAbstract
Blasphemy, defined in Islamic law as the act of insulting (sabb) God, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, or any aspect of divine revelation, is considered a profound transgression with both theological and legal implications. Theologically, blasphemy is closely linked to infidelity (kufr), the deliberate rejection of God and His revelation, and heresy (zandaqah), a concept historically associated with pre-Islamic Persian ideologies challenging societal norms and state authority. In this context, blasphemy encompasses not only verbal affronts but also heterodox beliefs, mystical utterances, or public expressions deemed subversive or unorthodox. This article explores the framework of Islamic Sharī’ah on blasphemy, tracing its evolution and addressing the diverse perspectives of Muslim communities across history. Through a critical lens, it examines the intersection of theology, jurisprudence, and societal attitudes, offering a nuanced understanding of the complexities surrounding blasphemy in Islamic thought.