The Prophetic Approach to Wealth and Business Management Based on Ibn Al-Qayyim's Book "Zād Al-Maʻād"

المنھج النبوي في إدارة المال والاعمال من خلال كتاب "زادالمعاد" لابن القيم


  • Latif Ullah Jan Ph. D Scholar, Department of Seerah and Islamic History, International Islamic University, Islamabad.
  • Dr. Abdul Qadir Gondal Professor, Department of Seerah and Islamic History, International Islamic University, Islamabad.


Sīrah, Ibn Al-Qayyim, Zād Al-Maʻād, Wealth, Business Management


The paper explores the economic principles derived from the prophetic tradition as presented in Ibn al-Qayyim's Zād Al-Maʻād. This seminal work is significant for its insights into the Prophet Muhammad's (ﷺ) management of wealth and economic affairs. It highlights how the Prophet's actions, such as the distribution of war booty, the management of zakāt funds, and his overall financial conduct, serve as guidelines for contemporary economic issues. The authors argue that the prophetic approach is not merely a religious obligation but a comprehensive system governing all aspects of life, including economic, social, and political dimensions. The first section emphasizes the devotional foundations of economic management in Islam, asserting that financial dealings must align with Islamic values and principles derived from the Qur’ān and Sunnah. It discusses the importance of understanding the rules governing trade and commerce, where scholars have stressed the necessity of knowledge in religious matters as a prerequisite for engaging in business. The paper also addresses the prohibition of usury (ribā), citing strong prophetic denunciations and Qur’ānic injunctions against it, thus establishing a clear framework for ethical financial practices in the Muslim community.




How to Cite

Latif Ullah Jan, & Dr. Abdul Qadir Gondal. (2024). The Prophetic Approach to Wealth and Business Management Based on Ibn Al-Qayyim’s Book "Zād Al-Maʻād": المنھج النبوي في إدارة المال والاعمال من خلال كتاب "زادالمعاد" لابن القيم. Al-Mithaq ( Research Journal of Islamic Theology), 3(03), 15–23. Retrieved from