Christianity from Persecution to Patronage: Analyzing the Impact of Constantine on Early Christianity

مسیحیت:مظلومیت سے سرپرستی تک: ابتدائی مسیحیت پر قسطنطین اعظم کے اثرات کاتجزیہ


  • Dr. Rizwan Ali Senior Subject Specialist (Islamic Studies), School Education Department, Punjab.
  • Dr. Mahmood Ahmad Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Government College University, Faisalabad.


Christianity, Faith, Roman Empire, Jesus, Constantine


Allah Almighty has periodically sent prophets and messengers to guide humanity towards growth and prosperity, among whom is Jesus Christ, upon whom God revealed a formal scripture. After the departure of Jesus from this world, his disciples managed to preserve and propagate his teachings for a brief period. However, with Paul’s acceptance of Christianity and his subsequent extraordinary popularity among Christians, the original Christian faith began to fade away, overshadowed by Paul's distortions and superstitions. Although by the efforts of the original disciples of Jesus, Christianity remained in some regions with its core beliefs intact. During this time, the Roman Empire (which came into existence in 27 BC) was on the rise. The first three centuries were not favourable for Christians: Roman rulers persistently inflicted oppression upon them. This persecution escalated under Emperor Diocletian, who ascended to the throne in 284 AD. He imposed restrictions on Christians, prohibiting them from worshipping publicly, demolishing their churches, burning their scriptures, and imprisoning their religious leaders. The extent of his brutality was so severe that this period is historically referred to as the "Era of Martyrs." As we moved into the fourth century AD, the reign of Constantine the Great emerged. Although he was born into a family that adhered to pagan beliefs, Constantine focused on strengthening his empire and fostering unity among its inhabitants upon gaining power. Among his numerous reforms, one significant action was granting religious freedom to all individuals. He declared that anyone could accept whichever religion they deemed correct and freely practice their faith and religious teachings. Constantine demonstrated considerable favour towards Christianity and sought to rectify past injustices faced by Christians. He took measures to resolve internal conflicts within Christianity by convening councils and worked towards creating affinities and similarities between Christianity and the predominant religion of that era—paganism—achieving considerable success in this endeavour. Most historians believe that Constantine's actions were politically motivated, aimed at ensuring his empire remained strong, stable, and united. This research paper will discuss a brief introduction to Constantine, the political structure of the Roman Empire during this period, Constantine's attraction to Christianity, the outpouring of rewards and honours for Christians, and an overall examination of Constantine's impact on Christianity.

Author Biography

Dr. Mahmood Ahmad, Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Government College University, Faisalabad.

(Corresponding Author)




How to Cite

Dr. Rizwan Ali, & Dr. Mahmood Ahmad. (2024). Christianity from Persecution to Patronage: Analyzing the Impact of Constantine on Early Christianity: مسیحیت:مظلومیت سے سرپرستی تک: ابتدائی مسیحیت پر قسطنطین اعظم کے اثرات کاتجزیہ. Al-Mithaq ( Research Journal of Islamic Theology), 3(03), 113–123. Retrieved from