Prospects of Effective Use of AI (ChatGPT) in Academic Settings Especially in Religious Education


  • Dr. Atiq-ur-Rehman Assistant Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Head of Faculty Advising, FC College University, Lahore.


Revelation, the Holy Qur’ān, ChatGPT, Revealed Religions—Comparison, Challenges, Opportunities, Survey, AI Tools


In the era of advancing artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI tools like ChatGPT are increasingly being used in various fields, including Religious Studies. While ChatGPT offers the advantage of summarizing complex topics quickly and simplifying theological discussions within a few moments, it also presents significant challenges when applied to sacred texts like the Holy Qur’ān. Its ability to provide broad overviews and generate diverse perspectives makes it useful for learners and those seeking basic understanding. However, due to its reliance on data prompts and potential biases, errors such as distorted translations or culturally insensitive interpretations can arise. The use of AI in religious contexts requires careful analysis and consideration, particularly regarding religious texts' significant and complex nature. This study explores the potential of ChatGPT as a tool for facilitating access to religious topics while highlighting its limitations especially in translating and interpreting sacred texts and explaining terms and relevant complex doctrines and historical facts, etc. Although it can be a valuable starting point for initial exploration, relying on ChatGPT for accurate and scholarly translation of religious texts, especially the Holy Qur’ān, is alarming and threatened with risks of error. The AI's oversimplifications, incomplete responses, and inability to consistently reference specific scholars such as Yūsuf ‘Alī underline the need for caution. Users must cross-reference AI-generated responses with authentic sources to avoid misinterpretations and maintain the integrity of religious discourse. Ultimately, while ChatGPT serves as a helpful guide for learning and discussion, its application in sacred religious contexts must be approached with caution and critical as well as careful analysis and verification.  It will further help us to wisely incorporate AI into academic settings, developing courses, designing assessments, and learning activities to provide our youth with rich and significant learning experiences and keep ethical considerations in view while using AI tools.




How to Cite

Dr. Atiq-ur-Rehman. (2024). Prospects of Effective Use of AI (ChatGPT) in Academic Settings Especially in Religious Education. Al-Mithaq ( Research Journal of Islamic Theology), 3(02), 21–35. Retrieved from