The Position and Status of the Sunnah in the sources of Sharia “A research study of the opinions of the Companions”

مصادرِشریعت میں سنت کامقام ومرتبہ ’’صحابہ کرام کی آراء کاتحقیقی مطالعہ‘‘


  • Muhammad Nouman Khalil Research Scholar, Jamia Binori Town , Karachi


Sources of Sharia, religious guidance and instruction, source of Islamic law and theology


The companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are highly revered and respected figures. They are considered to be the earliest converts to Islam and played an instrumental role in spreading the religion both during and after the lifetime of the Prophet. The companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) include a diverse group of individuals, including his closest friends, family members, and prominent leaders. The companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are also considered to be a source of religious knowledge and guidance, as they received teachings and instructions directly from the Prophet himself. Their actions and practices are considered to be a reflection of the Sunnah, or the way of life of the Prophet, and serve as a model for how Muslims should live their lives. In this article likely provides an overview of the significance of the Sunnah in the senses of the companions of prophet as a source of religious guidance and instruction. It may explain that the Sunnah, which refers to the teachings, actions, and practices of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is considered the second most important source of Islamic law and theology after the Quran. In this article also discuss the role of the Sunnah in shaping the beliefs and practices of Muslims, and the ways in which it serves as a complementary source to the Quran. Additionally, also touch upon the methods used to preserve and transmit the Sunnah, and its impact on the development of Islamic law and tradition.




How to Cite

Muhammad Nouman Khalil. (2023). The Position and Status of the Sunnah in the sources of Sharia “A research study of the opinions of the Companions” : مصادرِشریعت میں سنت کامقام ومرتبہ ’’صحابہ کرام کی آراء کاتحقیقی مطالعہ‘‘. Al-Mithaq ( Research Journal of Islamic Theology), 2(01), 38–46. Retrieved from